By V. Sivaji
The 3rd ASEAN Conference on Healthy Ageing 2024 Governor’s gala faculty dinner and fellowship night was held at the JEN by Shangri-La yesterday evening.
The conference is being held over four days from July 29 to Aug 1, 2024.
Penang Governor Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak was welcomed by the organising committee led by Prof Shahrul Bahyah, Dr Prem Kumar and Dato Gulab Mahatam Rai.

In her address Prof Shahrul also welcomed speakers from the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealandand ASEAN countries.
“The Malaysian Healthy Aging Society has a long history of bringing world renowned speakers and we have organised a successful First World Congress in Kuala Lumpur and went on to Johannesburg, South Africa and Ankara, Turkey.
“No conference is achievable without the support of partners and sponsors. I would like to thank Mr Ashwin Gunasekeran of Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB) for arranging this special gala dinner”, she added.

Key members of the organization, namely Prof Nathan, K. Siladass and Alvin Seah Peng Ngee were presented with souvenirs of appreciation for their invaluable support and contribution towards the association.
The highlight of the evening was the cake cutting ceremony by the Penang Governor who recently celebrated his 75th birthday.
Guests were entertained to fine food and live band performance
Also present was Prof Nathan Vytailingam (advisor), Penang Island City Council Mayor Dato A Rajendran, Dato Ong Bee Leng, CEO Penang Women’s Development Corporation, Dr Wong Teck Wee, Prof Dr Shelley de la Vega from University of Philippines, Prof Dr Tan Maw Pin, University Malaya among others.